So as I was driving along the highway today on my way to Yellowstone National Park, all alone in the car with just Chris Daughtry and the boys singing away, I started to wonder what it would be like to just jot down my random thoughts...never done that before. Sure I used to do a "journal" knowing full well that I would write it and someone would sneak in and take a peak so I never really said what I wanted to...Now this is different because I am as anonymous as I want to be and if I gave you the link to this than I obviously don't care if you know what I am actually thinking. Enough of that.
Do you know what annoys me? I am not a really picky person but in the last 24 hours I have found myself fuming inside about a couple of things. First, Marco Polo. Who the hell invited that game? Were they idiots? Did they not realize that some people would want to kill the children (or adults, for that matter) who are yelling that insanely annoying "Marco" "Polo" refrain? And top that off with if the game is taking place in a pool that is inside a building and bamm, I am talking machine gun or bazooka to the little darlings. The second thing and this is really picky. If you have a camera and you are sensitive, do not read on. If you take photos with a camera that has auto focus and you are sensitive, do not read on. If you are technically challenged and don't want to be enlightened, do not read on. OK, enough warnings. TURN OFF YOUR DAMN FOCUS INDICATOR BEEP! Most normal people can tell when their camera has finished focusing by simply looking through the lens or here's a little tip, when the camera is focused, the lens is still. OK? Understand? You don't need to hear a sound or two or three or four or to eternity before you click the shutter and take the photo! I swear today in Yellowstone, every Tom, Dick and Harry (or the female versions of those names) had fancy, I mean fancy, digital cameras and yet they were using Program mode or worse and letting the damn things beep to kingdom come to the utter disgust of those of us trying to enjoy the wonderful day and the sounds of the Geyser Valley in peace. There I feel better.