I found myself sweeping the back porch this morning, fall leaves scattered around me like confetti after a parade or something - the two big girls sniffing around mildly interested in this odd human activity. The blond one settled down and watched from a vantage point at the corner of the deck, her dark eyes serious. The black one disappeared into the house for a moment and then she came swooping out the back door, tennis ball in her mouth. I knew what was about to happen but before I could do anything to protect my hard work, she tossed her head and the ball came flying toward me landing in the big pile of scarlet, orange and gold leaves. The black dog was not far behind. When she came up for air, the leaves exploded upwards, scattering and then drifting back down to the wooden deck from whence they had come. All my hard work was gone. Now, I like to sweep as much as the next person so I raised my broom in protest but found I couldn't bring myself to reprimand her. There was a simple joy that radiated from that silky black face, tongue hanging crazily out and tail wagging like there was no tomorrow. I found myself just staring at that silly dog and wondering why it is that some creatures can be so joyous? Why would the simple act of trying to entice a game of ball and landing in a pile of leaves make something so happy? Why do we humans not seem to have the simple ability to just be joyful most of the time? Why do we worry about the inconsequential like who took the garbage out, who left one square of toilet paper on the roll or my favorite, did you make the bed before leaving this morning? I don't know the answer but I know this: I wish that for just five minutes I could be that black dog and feel the joy of jumping into a pile of something and not worrying about what others will think.
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