CHRISTMAS CARDS - Two words that either inspire great dread or great joy depending completely upon your mindset. I am going to admit right here in front of all of you who might stumble upon this blog, that I love Christmas cards. I do. I love creating my own personal greeting card for those I care about, using my limited abilities as an artist but enjoying the tactile feel of the papers, the inks and oh yes, the glitter! Every year I spend hours combing through my photo files looking for the one or two images that convey the way I feel about the season. Sometimes I choose a simple landscape - snow on my house or a pine bough covered in white. Sometimes I chose an event - the stagecoach in town giving rides for free or my husband dragging the Christmas tree along the path after cutting it down fresh. This year I went in a slightly different direction with my choice but it is a clear picture of life these days - I took it while snowshoeing last winter - a lone person in the distance making his way up the glittering ( oh, yes, there has to be glitter!) mountain trail toward a patch of blue sky. A hopeful photo, I think. We all need a little hope; some positive energy; some beautiful sky to head toward! I always like to end the year with a smile and a look back but then I move forward toward whatever waits out there for us all. Ah, Christmas cards.
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