I read the most perfect poem today - it was about two wonderful things: Coffee and Nostalgia. I read it once and then again and again. It touched a chord in me for some reason. I am not sure why except that I love coffee as anyone who knows me will testify. I drink it morning, noon and night without regard to what effect the caffeine might have on my ability to concentrate or to sleep.
What is it that I find so wonderful about this simple black liquid? I love the feel of a sturdy mug in my hand in the morning and in the evening it is even better to have a beautiful china cup that I can hold delicately by the handle...ahhhh. I love the taste of it, mixed with cream - the color is so important - I love the smell as it drifts up from the cup and into my waiting nostrils...pungent and full-bodied. The scent conjures up memories of other cups of coffee in my life - my first cup of coffee, sweetened to a syrupy consistency and consumed at the diningroom table with my dad; the cups I drank with a friend at Denney's when I was just a teenager, bitter and stale; my first "coffee house" cup, smooth and delicious years ago, long before Starbucks appeared; the first cup of coffee after too much alcohol the night before, "Oh coffee, help get rid of this headache, please." There are coffee memories of snow storms and beach sunsets, early mornings out in the wilderness and even of my husband's famous "camp" coffee. There are coffee memories of people past and present too. What a perfect drink. What perfect memories.
So as I said before, this is a poem about coffee and nostalgia - or is it?
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
She Knows
her hands
cool silk
cupping his warmest thoughts
in their deepest recesses.
gone now
by decades,
but those cool hands
part time
sink inside
the folds of his mind.
a silver spoon
stirring the moon
into his coffee,
lifting velvet kisses
to his lips.
she knows
he thinks of her
even now.
wraps her
cool silk hands
around a
warm china cup,
purses velvet lips
gently blows
steam from her coffee.
she smiles as
vaporous lovers
swirl and dance.
she knows
and drinks him in.
by Karen Suriano
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